Thursday, September 1, 2011

Perfect Chemistry

So, by indication of the title of this blog, I am still hooked on "Perfect Chemistry" by Simone Elkeles. This book and I are practically inseparable. I'm getting sad, because I'm realizing it's very close to the end, and I don't want it to stop. As I near the end of this book, I've noticed that the author wrote it in a way that all the secrets and answers to the questions floating around in my mind, are coming out now. Alex, the male main character, is finally finding out about the way his father died. His dad was murdered during a drug deal for the gang he was in, by his friend. All this happened right in front of Alex's eyes when he was only 6. Brittany, the female main character, has done a complete 360 degree turn around and her character's personality and outlook on life has totally changed. Just when I thought she was going to continue on being the stuck up, rich girl, she proved me wrong. She left her parents, after telling them exactly what was on her mind, and practically ran away just to be with Alex. Although she had shown some characteristics of a non-fake, caring person in the beginning, through her mentally disabled sister, now Brittany's attitude is definitely 100% real.
As I honestly admitted before, this book has been rather cliche but, there is still something very unique about it, that I just can't put my finger on. It is practically ambiguous in my mind. As I've said before, but not to come down upon the author's choice of style, it's so simple. The language is simple, the descriptions are vivid though, kinda adding a little spice into the images that arrive in my mind. It's interesting how the author also incorporates a little Spanish through out Alex's diaglogue. That part helps me keep up with my Spanish vocabulary, and sometimes makes me do a little research to see what the kids in the book are even saying to each other. Maybe because of those small points, the book does seem unique to me. I decide to conclude, that it's just a little hard to figure out.

1 comment:

  1. Reading your posts is exilerating. Everything you say just appeals to me on every single level. I can relate to you alot. It is like we are completely identical. I always enjoy a good love story about two people with completely different backgrounds. It is like the go together like a puzzle.
