Thursday, September 15, 2011


So, I'm continuing to read Stay, by Allie Larkin, which has become such a cute book. Cute, probably isn't the best word to use, since it is more of an adult book, but I can't really think of anything else to fit it. The main character, Savannah, has left the wedding of her true love and best friend to find herself totally alone. She drinks herself sick, alone in her apartment, and decides while she is intoxicated that she needs some kind of company to her life. As Savannah flips on the television, she ends up watching a marathon of Rin Tin Tin, (a show about a dog for those of you who do not know) and decides she absolutely needs to have a german shepard in her life. But, what the reader has to remember is that Savannah is just totally intoxicated at this point, after multiple drinks. She decides to go online and search for puppies and finally, Savannah purchases what she thinks to be a small, german shepard puppy from Slovakia. First off, who buys dogs on the internet. Obviously, she is drunk, but I can not imagine purchasing my dog off the internet. What if it turned out to be something else? Or it could have been a total scam. Well, this theme proves to be somewhat true. The next day, as Savannah barely remembers her purchase, she receives a conformation email for the dog, and has to pick it up a few days later. When Savannah arrives to the air port, she finds a huge crate, that reaches up to her hip, with a monsterous sized dog inside. The dog ends up being as sweet, and as cute as can be. As infered, it is not a german shepard. It is a big, black, long haired dog, described looking nothing like a german shepard. So, this chapter kind of has a moral of "do not buy things off the internet, you never know what you will truly get." But, the dog, who Savannah names Joe, ends up being the most patient and kind dog, just what Savannah hoped for. Although Savannah did not get rid of her feelings for her best friend's husband, she was able to get him out of her mind now that she has her dog, Joe. He has taken a place in her life and she is growing to love him. It reminds me of my own dog, whose name is Boomer. He is a black lab and rotwiler mix, and he is absolutely adorable. He is so smart, just as Joe is, and is definitely one of my best friends, just as Savannah is starting to see Joe as.

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