Friday, September 30, 2011

Currently; Last Week of Stay

Pages this week: 137
Pages this semester: 957
Currently reading: Stay by Allie Larkin

Sentences of the Week

1. "And everyone should have a dress that makes them feel like this." She picked a piece of lint off of my chest and flicked it away from us. "You make a place to wear something like this."
Savannah's mom - Stay

2. "In addition to the charges for all the dog stuff I'd bought for Joe, there was the actual charge for Joe."
Savannah Leone- Stay  

3. "A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her."
W.C. Fields

My favorite quote of this week, came from Stay, the book I just finished. This quote is from Savannah's mom, who does not have a big role in the book. In the beginning, we learn that she passed away three years prior to the current date in the book, from breast cancer. Although she is not alive in the book, she is often referenced to by Savannah. Savannah is constantly thinking about her mother and how things would be different if she was still around. This quote is said right before Savannah is going to go on her date with Alex. She has no idea what to wear until she looks deep into her closet and finds the little black dress that she bought with her mother years before, that she has never worn. Savannah describes the time she and her mother went to the mall and bought it. Savannah had no idea where she would wear the little black dress or why should would even buy it. But, it fit just like a glove on her body, so her mother encouraged her to buy it. I can definitely relate to this quote. I am a girly-girl, so I always want to shop and buy things, even if I have no reason for them. But,  eventually I always find a perfect reason to wear what I buy. I thought this quote was cute just because it was Savannah's first real date in a long time. The way she got so excited when she found the little black dress made me also feel excited for her first date. I can't wait until I'm older, rummaging through my closet to find that perfect outfit to impress that "perfect" guy on our first date.

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