Thursday, September 22, 2011


So, Savannah has finally found someone who needs her like she needs him. And no, I'm not just talking about Joe, her dog. But, Joe did help Savannah find her next man. Obviously, I am still reading the book Stay by Allie Larkin, and I can't get enough of it. I'm definitely an animal person and all of the things Joe does make me laugh or smile or think about my own dog. There was a scene in the book where Savannah takes Joe to the vet at a late hour in the night because she fed him people food, causing Joe to become ill. As she stays at the office with Joe and Dr. Alex, Alex invites Savannah to stay and make his last night rounds with him. The two visit a golden retriver who had her front leg amputated after a fatal accident. Although the dog was okay, Dr. Alex had to give her a shot and while the process was described and the dog's reaction was told, I felt horrible! I am for sure an animal lover!

Besides all the animal loving going on around here, there is a chemistry ignited between Dr. Alex and Savannah at this part in the book. When Savannah first even lays her eyes on Alex she finds him rugged and attractive; different than all the other men she has seen. Even his personality was different. He is caring, kind, selfless, helpful..all the things Savannah was looking for. The night Joe became sick from the food and Savannah took him into the vet's office was the night the real chemistry came about between the two. Alex offered Savannah coffee and pulled out her chair and attempted to do many gentlemanly things for her, that she had rarely experienced. Before Savannah leaves at two in the morning, Alex finally asks her if he can call her, besides to talk about Joe. She approves his wish as he kisses her on the cheek. She then drives away, and the last scene of the chapter is of Joe and Savannah sleeping in bed together and Savannah is drowning out her large dog's snoring with thoughts of Alex.

Not only did I find this part of the story to be cute and touching, but I found it to be somewhat ironic as well. Before Savannah had Joe, she was always lonely and longing for a boyfriend or someone to be there for her in her life since she did not have any close people to her. That was the reason Savannah ultimately decided to get a dog. She wanted a companion that would always be there for her, no matter what. In my opinion, a dog is definitely better than a boyfriend and I'm glad Savannah saw that, in the beginning. But now, Joe has led Savannah to meet Alex, a guy she is starting to fall for. I'm hoping Savannah does not neglect Joe for Alex. Dog's are way more loyal than boyfriends, nicer, more playful.. a lot of things! I'm hoping the author is able to create a balanced relationship between all three of the characters. Even though Savannah may get a boyfriend out of Alex now, I don't want her to leave Joe for him. Joe has already helped Savannah through so much and he is helping her grow.

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