Thursday, September 29, 2011


Well, as I've come closer to the end of Stay, Savannah's life has seemed to make a total turn around. She's gone from the lonely, pathetic workaholic to a happy, loving woman. Although she is still facing a few rough patches throughout her course in this book, Savannah has learned to look on the bright side.
Finally, Savannah gets her romantic date with the vet, Alex. She cleans up, looks hot, and heads out for their dinner. The scene that describes Alex and Savannah at dinner is nothing like your typical romance novel scene. Alex does not know what type of wine to order, let alone does he even like wine, he does not wait for Savannah to eat, Savannah spills spaghetti sauce on herself, and they just seem so nervous and out of place. But, as Savannah continues to tell the story of their date, she realizes how perfect it is. She compares Alex to Peter just once again, ( more like the millionth time) and realizes she likes how Alex is almost clueless about all of the specific dating rules. Peter was just the opposite; he knew what to order, how to set his utensils, and just how to act. It was too proper for Van. She felt as she did not fit. With Alex, Van gets those high school butterflies, she feels comfortable with him and has no problem being herself around Alex.
As the date continues, Van proves that she has no problem opening up to Alex. He questions her on where she is from and about her family, and she decides to spill the beans about her mother. Although Van is not a very emotional person, she comes close to tears when speaking of her mother's death just three years prior due to breast cancer. While Alex has never experienced a close death, he comforts Van in the perfect way. He doesn't pitty her or say he understands, as she has had happen to her before, and high dislikes. He just says he is sorry, and continues to ask questions about Van's mom that he knows will make her smile, and they do.
I find Van and Alex's relationship to be just a bit ironic. Not only were they linked together because of Joe, the dog, but they just don't seem like each other's types. Even Van specifies that Alex is not the usual kind of guy she would go for. But, as we have all heard before, "opposites attrack." Van and Alex are a perfect example of that theory. Alex's different personality has helped shape Van to become a better character for the story. Their relationship is also made more relatable by their totally opposite personalities.

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