Thursday, September 8, 2011

The End of Perfect Chemistry

Finally, I finished Perfect Chemistry.   I was truly sad when this book came to an end but, I was happy for how it ended. It was, a rather predictable ending, as the book had been rather predictable. Brittany and Alex both went away to college, but Alex came back to find her, and they finished out college together and eventually got married. It was a real-life fairy tale book. There was a small epilogue that made me love the book even more. Once Alex and Brittany got back together in the end of the book, there was no more information about how their marriage went on to be, or anything. It simply ended. But, the author included an epilogue to start out the life of Alex and Brittany's son, Paco Fuenttes. A scene was set of Paco attending the same high school as Alex and Brittany, having the same chemistry teacher as his parents, and sitting next to a girl that was out of his league just as Alex, his father did. So, obviously, the author is just setting up a scene to show that Paco, is just like his father, and another story, like Brittany and Alex's will be created in the same chemistry room.  I thought that epilogue added a cute twist to the story, making it even more unique than it already was.
I am glad I read Perfect Chemistry though. It was relatable to my life as a teenage, high school girl. I think many people, not just high school students, would be able to get something out of this book. Not only are high school relationships a relatable topic, but there are life lessons that are taught through out the book as well. Alex represents someone who may be of a lower social status but has the striving personality and confidence to go for what he wants which is Brittany. Brittany may be in a high social class than Alex, but he still gives her everything he has in order to win her heart, which is much more important than money will ever be. Brittany represents the kind of person who can defy all odds. She can stay perfect on the outside while dealing with all the drama of her friends and home life on the inside. By the end of the book, Brittany establishes her independence and does what she wants to do, which is be with Alex.
I would definitely recommend this book to any of my friends. It may be a simple, swift read, but I think every kind of person will find something to take away from this story.

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