Friday, September 30, 2011

Currently; Last Week of Stay

Pages this week: 137
Pages this semester: 957
Currently reading: Stay by Allie Larkin

Sentences of the Week

1. "And everyone should have a dress that makes them feel like this." She picked a piece of lint off of my chest and flicked it away from us. "You make a place to wear something like this."
Savannah's mom - Stay

2. "In addition to the charges for all the dog stuff I'd bought for Joe, there was the actual charge for Joe."
Savannah Leone- Stay  

3. "A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her."
W.C. Fields

My favorite quote of this week, came from Stay, the book I just finished. This quote is from Savannah's mom, who does not have a big role in the book. In the beginning, we learn that she passed away three years prior to the current date in the book, from breast cancer. Although she is not alive in the book, she is often referenced to by Savannah. Savannah is constantly thinking about her mother and how things would be different if she was still around. This quote is said right before Savannah is going to go on her date with Alex. She has no idea what to wear until she looks deep into her closet and finds the little black dress that she bought with her mother years before, that she has never worn. Savannah describes the time she and her mother went to the mall and bought it. Savannah had no idea where she would wear the little black dress or why should would even buy it. But, it fit just like a glove on her body, so her mother encouraged her to buy it. I can definitely relate to this quote. I am a girly-girl, so I always want to shop and buy things, even if I have no reason for them. But,  eventually I always find a perfect reason to wear what I buy. I thought this quote was cute just because it was Savannah's first real date in a long time. The way she got so excited when she found the little black dress made me also feel excited for her first date. I can't wait until I'm older, rummaging through my closet to find that perfect outfit to impress that "perfect" guy on our first date.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The end of Stay

Well, I've finally finished Stay, and I think I am heartbroken. Not only did this book keep me intrigued because of the cutest description of Joe, the dog, but its content was so relatable. As I am getting ready to go off to college, Savannah experienced many things that I must think about before I go and while I'm there. This book is mainly centered around how Savannah changes from her college graduation, to her mother's death, to finding Joe, and meeting Alex. The way Savannah's character changes and adapts to life's crazy situations is a great example for how I need to start realizing that life won't always go as planned, and I will have to learn to adapt myself. Savannah takes a leap into the real world in this book and must learn to fend for herself, as she is completely alone. Savannah becomes independent, yet dependent when she needs to be, she's a smart young woman, who I see to be a great role model. I think I see a great deal of myself in Van, as she is sarcastic, independent, loving, an attention seeker yet likes to be lonely, kind of person. I think I was mostly able to relate to this book because of the connection I felt. Not only was Savannah's character intriguing to me, but the fun loving personality Joe had, gave even more spice to the book.


Well, as I've come closer to the end of Stay, Savannah's life has seemed to make a total turn around. She's gone from the lonely, pathetic workaholic to a happy, loving woman. Although she is still facing a few rough patches throughout her course in this book, Savannah has learned to look on the bright side.
Finally, Savannah gets her romantic date with the vet, Alex. She cleans up, looks hot, and heads out for their dinner. The scene that describes Alex and Savannah at dinner is nothing like your typical romance novel scene. Alex does not know what type of wine to order, let alone does he even like wine, he does not wait for Savannah to eat, Savannah spills spaghetti sauce on herself, and they just seem so nervous and out of place. But, as Savannah continues to tell the story of their date, she realizes how perfect it is. She compares Alex to Peter just once again, ( more like the millionth time) and realizes she likes how Alex is almost clueless about all of the specific dating rules. Peter was just the opposite; he knew what to order, how to set his utensils, and just how to act. It was too proper for Van. She felt as she did not fit. With Alex, Van gets those high school butterflies, she feels comfortable with him and has no problem being herself around Alex.
As the date continues, Van proves that she has no problem opening up to Alex. He questions her on where she is from and about her family, and she decides to spill the beans about her mother. Although Van is not a very emotional person, she comes close to tears when speaking of her mother's death just three years prior due to breast cancer. While Alex has never experienced a close death, he comforts Van in the perfect way. He doesn't pitty her or say he understands, as she has had happen to her before, and high dislikes. He just says he is sorry, and continues to ask questions about Van's mom that he knows will make her smile, and they do.
I find Van and Alex's relationship to be just a bit ironic. Not only were they linked together because of Joe, the dog, but they just don't seem like each other's types. Even Van specifies that Alex is not the usual kind of guy she would go for. But, as we have all heard before, "opposites attrack." Van and Alex are a perfect example of that theory. Alex's different personality has helped shape Van to become a better character for the story. Their relationship is also made more relatable by their totally opposite personalities.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Pages this Week- 150
Pages this semester - 820

Sentences of the Month:

1. "Mindy stopped making out with my dog and shut the door behind her when she left."
                               Savannah; Stay by Allie Larking

2. "The road to success is always under construction."
                                    "Short Funny Quotes"
3."As she walked toward me slowly, my eyes locked with hers, she tripped on a discarded shoe, killing the moment."
                                    Alex Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles

4. "Don't feel bad, a lot of people have no talent."
                     -It's all Humor, blog

Alright, so my sentence of the week goes along with my blog about the book Stay by Allie Larkin. I noticed I continuously commented on my love for dogs and animals, so I decided I should find a good or in this case funny, sentence to go along with that animal-loving theme.
When I read this sentence from the book I couldn't help but laugh out loud. It's literally talking about a woman at the vet's office getting kisses from a huge dog, yet the author had to say the woman was making out with the dog. Those words just put an instant picture in my mind of this woman with this massive dog making out and I had to laugh. Who in their right mind would make out with a dog?... no one. But for me, I was able to sort of relate to this making out with dog quote. I am always trying to cuddle with my 135 pound dog, who is not much of a cuddler or kisser. So, as I try to hug on him or get him to give me kisses, he just stares at me with his big brown eyes and I can just tell he is thinking "get away from me, you are so annoying" instead of wanting to "makeout" with me, as Joe is apparently doing with Mindy in the book.


So, Savannah has finally found someone who needs her like she needs him. And no, I'm not just talking about Joe, her dog. But, Joe did help Savannah find her next man. Obviously, I am still reading the book Stay by Allie Larkin, and I can't get enough of it. I'm definitely an animal person and all of the things Joe does make me laugh or smile or think about my own dog. There was a scene in the book where Savannah takes Joe to the vet at a late hour in the night because she fed him people food, causing Joe to become ill. As she stays at the office with Joe and Dr. Alex, Alex invites Savannah to stay and make his last night rounds with him. The two visit a golden retriver who had her front leg amputated after a fatal accident. Although the dog was okay, Dr. Alex had to give her a shot and while the process was described and the dog's reaction was told, I felt horrible! I am for sure an animal lover!

Besides all the animal loving going on around here, there is a chemistry ignited between Dr. Alex and Savannah at this part in the book. When Savannah first even lays her eyes on Alex she finds him rugged and attractive; different than all the other men she has seen. Even his personality was different. He is caring, kind, selfless, helpful..all the things Savannah was looking for. The night Joe became sick from the food and Savannah took him into the vet's office was the night the real chemistry came about between the two. Alex offered Savannah coffee and pulled out her chair and attempted to do many gentlemanly things for her, that she had rarely experienced. Before Savannah leaves at two in the morning, Alex finally asks her if he can call her, besides to talk about Joe. She approves his wish as he kisses her on the cheek. She then drives away, and the last scene of the chapter is of Joe and Savannah sleeping in bed together and Savannah is drowning out her large dog's snoring with thoughts of Alex.

Not only did I find this part of the story to be cute and touching, but I found it to be somewhat ironic as well. Before Savannah had Joe, she was always lonely and longing for a boyfriend or someone to be there for her in her life since she did not have any close people to her. That was the reason Savannah ultimately decided to get a dog. She wanted a companion that would always be there for her, no matter what. In my opinion, a dog is definitely better than a boyfriend and I'm glad Savannah saw that, in the beginning. But now, Joe has led Savannah to meet Alex, a guy she is starting to fall for. I'm hoping Savannah does not neglect Joe for Alex. Dog's are way more loyal than boyfriends, nicer, more playful.. a lot of things! I'm hoping the author is able to create a balanced relationship between all three of the characters. Even though Savannah may get a boyfriend out of Alex now, I don't want her to leave Joe for him. Joe has already helped Savannah through so much and he is helping her grow.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Close Reading Claims

From "So Many Books, So Little Time" :

In this video from so you think you can dance, the dancers busy use of space, passionate facial expressions, and graceful, powerful choreography] expresses [a sense of compassionate intamacy and sincere confidence]

From "Eddie": 

Claim: This passionate picture shows a strong sturctured, elegant ballet dancer expressing her confident sharp body language, elegant attire, and complex poised position.

 From "T-Rex"

In this video of Adele preforming "Someone Like You" live, the audiance hears her explosive, elegant voice, with lyrics that have a powerful, motionless, old-fashioned message to them that creats a tranquil vibe throughout the theater.
From "Live, Laugh, Read" :

The joyful, eager horses run passionately to their peaceful destination which highlights the beauty of the cool, calm, and natural feel of this early fall morning.

From "Stormy Days"

In this video, Charlene and Jeff tell a story with their bodies and movement. He is a crutch for her through out the performance. They dominate the stage with their beautiful swift, flowing, movement. There is a bit of chaos when it comes to their arm movements, but it is still beautifully structured. They are passionate and dramatic, and the story and music express a sadness and seriousness to the performance.

Kim's Corner had the most creative close reading. Although it is just a simple picture, I think that is it really interesting.

Monday, September 19, 2011

So You Think You Can Dance Close Reading

Movement: alive, sharp, smooth, powerful, varied, fast, big
Emotion: sad, longing, intense, loving 
Costume: dull, simple
Spacing: abundant, dominating, chaotic, aggressive
Posture: graceful, elegant, floppy, loose
In this contemporary dance, choreographed by Mia Michaels, the varied confusion of the movement, pain and romance shown through the emotion, the regret expressed through the dull costume choice, and the dominating and agressive use of space create a sense of lighthearted passion between the two dancers.

So You Think You Can Dance - Lacey and Kamero, Contemporary, Choreographed by Mia Michaels

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Pages Read This Week: 130
Pages This Semester: 672

Sentences of the Week:

1. "The road to success is always under construction."
                                    "Short Funny Quotes"

2. "I lost my balance and slid into the pile, smearing poop from my hand to my elbow."
                                              Savannah, Stay

3. "I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough."
                                             Noah, The Notebook 

These quotes are a mix of funny and serious meaningful quotes. The first quote is definitely my favorite. It isn't necessarily funny, but I think it means something significant. We are always trying to find the road to success and the right path to take, but for some reason, we can never find it. Although we may not pick the wrong road, in the end we always wonder what could have been a better option for our life at the time, but it seems that there is always some kind of obstacle in the way of that right road. There is always something in the way of people getting things done. That seems to happen many times in my life as well. I tend to find myself having to pick a different path instead of the best path in my life, because there is always a barricade in my way. But, we learn that we have to make the best of life, no matter what path we are on.


So, I'm continuing to read Stay, by Allie Larkin, which has become such a cute book. Cute, probably isn't the best word to use, since it is more of an adult book, but I can't really think of anything else to fit it. The main character, Savannah, has left the wedding of her true love and best friend to find herself totally alone. She drinks herself sick, alone in her apartment, and decides while she is intoxicated that she needs some kind of company to her life. As Savannah flips on the television, she ends up watching a marathon of Rin Tin Tin, (a show about a dog for those of you who do not know) and decides she absolutely needs to have a german shepard in her life. But, what the reader has to remember is that Savannah is just totally intoxicated at this point, after multiple drinks. She decides to go online and search for puppies and finally, Savannah purchases what she thinks to be a small, german shepard puppy from Slovakia. First off, who buys dogs on the internet. Obviously, she is drunk, but I can not imagine purchasing my dog off the internet. What if it turned out to be something else? Or it could have been a total scam. Well, this theme proves to be somewhat true. The next day, as Savannah barely remembers her purchase, she receives a conformation email for the dog, and has to pick it up a few days later. When Savannah arrives to the air port, she finds a huge crate, that reaches up to her hip, with a monsterous sized dog inside. The dog ends up being as sweet, and as cute as can be. As infered, it is not a german shepard. It is a big, black, long haired dog, described looking nothing like a german shepard. So, this chapter kind of has a moral of "do not buy things off the internet, you never know what you will truly get." But, the dog, who Savannah names Joe, ends up being the most patient and kind dog, just what Savannah hoped for. Although Savannah did not get rid of her feelings for her best friend's husband, she was able to get him out of her mind now that she has her dog, Joe. He has taken a place in her life and she is growing to love him. It reminds me of my own dog, whose name is Boomer. He is a black lab and rotwiler mix, and he is absolutely adorable. He is so smart, just as Joe is, and is definitely one of my best friends, just as Savannah is starting to see Joe as.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Pages This Week: 150
Total Pages This Semester: 542

Quotes of the Week:

1." I was gonna listen to that, but then, um, I just carried on living my life."
                                  Aldous Snow - "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"                  

2. “Think about it. If you are single, after graduation there isn’t one occasion where people celebrate you … Hallmark doesn’t make a “congratulations, you didn’t marry the wrong guy” card. And where’s the flatware for going on vacation alone?"
                                   Carrie Bradshaw - "Sex and The City"

3. "It's like I have ESPN or something."
                                  Karen - "Mean Girls"

Obviously, I watch numerous amounts of television shows and movies. Most of my quotes usually come from movies or tv shows that make me laugh or make me think. My winning quote this week is from the movie "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" which is absolutely hilarious. Aldous Snow played by Russel Brand, is an outrageous British singer who is dating Sarah Marshall. His character is very famous so everyone knows him and wants to get a chance to talk to him. So, a young man brings Aldous his demo tape to listen to. As most celebrities would do, Aldous just discards the tape and moves on with his life as he blatantly tells the young man in this quote. Not only does this make me laugh every time I see the movie, but it is such a true quote. Someone will give us something to either watch or listen to and we constantly just blow them off. My friends always tell me to watch youtube videos and I never ever do. Then later they ask me what I thought about it and I just laugh and say it was funny. Hmm, maybe I should start watching them instead of lying or just tell them the truth like Aldous! Thanks for the lesson in honestly Aldous!

Finally, a new book!

Since I bitterly finished Perfect Chemistry, I found a new book to read! It is called Stay by Allie Larkin. I have not read anything else by this author, but so far I love the way she writes. Like Perfect Chemistry, the writing is simple, but in contrast to that book, Larkin uses vivid vocabulary to enhance the language. Although Perfect Chemistry was a very relatable topic to me, I was ready to move onto a book that would take me out of my relm of high school relationships and drama and into a more mature world by reading a more adult geared book. Don't get me wrong, Stay is not something that is inappropriate for my eyes. It is just about older people who are going into marriage and having children and moving on in their lives. I thought since I'm coming to the end of my high school career, it is time to step it up and knotch, and read about things that are going on outside of high school.
So far in Stay, I have been introduced to a Savannah, the main character, whom I think is very similar to myself. She's an active journalist, as she just graduated from college with a journalism degree, she is very independent, she can be moody, and she is the type of person to run away from her problems instead of deal with them, much like myself. Van, as her friends call her, just witnessed her best friend Janie marry the man of Van's dreams. She had been in love with Peter for years now, and longed for the days he would fall for her. But, like all love storys, she did not get the guy she initially wanted. How the rest of the story will pan out, I'm not really sure. Unlike Perfect Chemistry, this book has not shown to be quite as predictable just yet.

The End of Perfect Chemistry

Finally, I finished Perfect Chemistry.   I was truly sad when this book came to an end but, I was happy for how it ended. It was, a rather predictable ending, as the book had been rather predictable. Brittany and Alex both went away to college, but Alex came back to find her, and they finished out college together and eventually got married. It was a real-life fairy tale book. There was a small epilogue that made me love the book even more. Once Alex and Brittany got back together in the end of the book, there was no more information about how their marriage went on to be, or anything. It simply ended. But, the author included an epilogue to start out the life of Alex and Brittany's son, Paco Fuenttes. A scene was set of Paco attending the same high school as Alex and Brittany, having the same chemistry teacher as his parents, and sitting next to a girl that was out of his league just as Alex, his father did. So, obviously, the author is just setting up a scene to show that Paco, is just like his father, and another story, like Brittany and Alex's will be created in the same chemistry room.  I thought that epilogue added a cute twist to the story, making it even more unique than it already was.
I am glad I read Perfect Chemistry though. It was relatable to my life as a teenage, high school girl. I think many people, not just high school students, would be able to get something out of this book. Not only are high school relationships a relatable topic, but there are life lessons that are taught through out the book as well. Alex represents someone who may be of a lower social status but has the striving personality and confidence to go for what he wants which is Brittany. Brittany may be in a high social class than Alex, but he still gives her everything he has in order to win her heart, which is much more important than money will ever be. Brittany represents the kind of person who can defy all odds. She can stay perfect on the outside while dealing with all the drama of her friends and home life on the inside. By the end of the book, Brittany establishes her independence and does what she wants to do, which is be with Alex.
I would definitely recommend this book to any of my friends. It may be a simple, swift read, but I think every kind of person will find something to take away from this story.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Books read- "Perfect Chemistry"
Pages read-165
Pages read this semester-357

"As she walked toward me slowly, my eyes locked with hers, she tripped on a discarded shoe, killing the moment."
                                     "Perfect Chemistry" By Simone Elkeles

“Think about it. If you are single, after graduation there isn’t one occasion where people celebrate you … Hallmark doesn’t make a “congratulations, you didn’t marry the wrong guy” card. And where’s the flatware for going on vacation alone?"
                                Carrie Bradshaw, "Sex and the City"

"My Mamma always said, life is like a box of chocolates, you're never know what you're gonna get."
                                Forrest Gump, "Forrest Gump"

The winner of "sentence of the week" this week, is definitely by Alex from "Perfect Chemistry." Not only is the sentence funny, and absolutely relatable to my life, but, once I came across it during my silent AP lit english class, I laughed out loud, like one of those weird kids totally embarrassing myself. So, in a way my story kind of fits with the sentence. But, besides that, I know every single person has had an experience somwhat like Brittany had in the book. There are times when we're having an intimate moment with someone, anyone, and we are trying to be sly, or compassionate, and we have to do something that just completely kills the flow of emotion. I do this type of thing all the time. I'll be having a serious conversation with even my best friend and just trip over my feet, run into something, or fumble upon my own words. I've come to find that I'm pretty clumsy. Besides that though, I just thought this quote was so relatable to my life. And, it got a little laugh out of me. Humor is definitely something I always look for in every book I read.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

"I've Got It!"

Okay, so I've continued reading "Perfect Chemistry" the past few days since I still can't put it down, and I think I've figured out why it is so appealing to me. The people are all so real. I can relate with both of the main characters, Brittany and Alex, and what's going on in their lives. At the same time, I can look around at school and I see couples that resemble Brittany and Alex all the same. Nothing about the book has been fake, it has all been an example and even maybe a growing experience for me, about high school, and the realities some people face every single day.
The next thing I've noticed and mentioned before, I believe, is that the language is so simple. It's easily understandable which adds to the connection I have with the story, I think. I hate when I'm reading a book that has some huge words in it in every other line and they just obfuscate the meaning of what's happening. After that, I just feel stupid and like it's a pointless read for me, because I've lost all sight of the theme. "Perfect Chemistry" takes the sentences straight to the point. There aren't any big "fill in words" that I don't understand (besides some of the Spanish). I think this book was meant for people my age to read, and maybe even adults, if high school drama is their thing. I hate reading books that aren't meant for people my age, or describe themes that I have no sort of relation to. I like this book, in a way, I think it speaks to me. It's like that wise, old cat that sits in the corner and watches everyone's every move.
And so I finally said "I've got it" while reading, because, I think I finally realized why this book has a special connection to me; it actually means something.

Perfect Chemistry

So, by indication of the title of this blog, I am still hooked on "Perfect Chemistry" by Simone Elkeles. This book and I are practically inseparable. I'm getting sad, because I'm realizing it's very close to the end, and I don't want it to stop. As I near the end of this book, I've noticed that the author wrote it in a way that all the secrets and answers to the questions floating around in my mind, are coming out now. Alex, the male main character, is finally finding out about the way his father died. His dad was murdered during a drug deal for the gang he was in, by his friend. All this happened right in front of Alex's eyes when he was only 6. Brittany, the female main character, has done a complete 360 degree turn around and her character's personality and outlook on life has totally changed. Just when I thought she was going to continue on being the stuck up, rich girl, she proved me wrong. She left her parents, after telling them exactly what was on her mind, and practically ran away just to be with Alex. Although she had shown some characteristics of a non-fake, caring person in the beginning, through her mentally disabled sister, now Brittany's attitude is definitely 100% real.
As I honestly admitted before, this book has been rather cliche but, there is still something very unique about it, that I just can't put my finger on. It is practically ambiguous in my mind. As I've said before, but not to come down upon the author's choice of style, it's so simple. The language is simple, the descriptions are vivid though, kinda adding a little spice into the images that arrive in my mind. It's interesting how the author also incorporates a little Spanish through out Alex's diaglogue. That part helps me keep up with my Spanish vocabulary, and sometimes makes me do a little research to see what the kids in the book are even saying to each other. Maybe because of those small points, the book does seem unique to me. I decide to conclude, that it's just a little hard to figure out.